Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ideas on modern business infrastructure!!

I need ideas about how to develop / manage an optimal business. As a result, I need you to provide in this forum as many good and innovative ideas as you can!!
Write at least 5- 8 sentences with your thoughts! Thx!!


Blogger Alejandro Curado said...

To write in this blog, if you haven`t registered yet, do so. Then, you can click on comments and write one. Thnx!

5:16 AM  
Blogger Alejandro Curado said...

please give your full name in your personal blog site!

8:09 AM  
Blogger Alejandro Curado said...

OK again to all entries! good job

1:47 AM  
Blogger Christian Díaz said...

Christian Díaz Sánchez

There are many ideas to develop a optimal business.
On the one hand, you would must to look for a good situation for your business because a good situation is very important for the future of your company.
On the other hand, you could study other business of your commercial zone.
Other great idea would be sell your products at the minimum price (rival companies)
When your business grows, you would must try to expand it to other zones of your country, region, etc.

3:01 AM  
Blogger Soledad said...

The most important thing is:

- You must have a good relation with your personnel thus they are very efficent because they are comfortable and satisfied.

- A good relation with your customers and suppliers is a good help for you company.

These two reason are sufficient in order that they all have a good image of your company, and therefore you will obtain sales and benefits.

4:51 AM  
Blogger Beatriz gomez said...

Some objectives of company establishes in market are for example:
-To increase benefits.
-They can make advertising company.
-To reduce costs for avoid losses for example if product don’t sell.
-Support prices persistent.

12:08 PM  
Blogger maria de los angeles lozano garcia said...

- Better relation-ship with the costumer.
- Too much numbers of each product.
- The best price.
- Provide more information about the products.
- Better quality-price.
- A full time to work to give a better attention for costumer.

12:26 PM  
Blogger laura jimenez torres said...

Nowadays, it is very important the proctetion of our environment, for this reason a good profitable business would be the creation of a plant of renovable energy.
The plant would be placed in a vast area where sun light were shining during nearly all day long.
This energy would be store up, in this way, we could have the same energy than with other sources but with the advantage that this one dosen’t pollute.

1:25 PM  
Blogger cristina avila trinidad said...

Telefonica is grateful to the erg and to the European commission for the opportunity to take part in this process of debate on the regulative "remedies".
Telefonica is grateful besides for the will of the ERG and the commission of being employed at this topic in order to obtain an European home market more harmoious than the current one.
Telefonica is a sure besides that this debate must serve to learn of the mistakes and the wisdom of the past. Undoubtedly, and due to a heap of factors of diverse nature, the sector is in a delicate moment and of it, if it (he,she) fits furthermore (moreover), the new regulative frame supposes a challenge and an opprtunity to improve the confidence of the investors.

4:04 AM  
Blogger Sergio L.S. said...

There are a lot of ideas to manage an optimal business. For example, you can use your resources on an efficient way. You can do this, reducing expenses to make your benefits bigger: Use ecological energies to reduce your expenses in normal energies. Other example: Recycle your work material. This can help you to save energy, and to safe this important material for the company. You can invest on publicity to increase your benefits, too.

7:07 AM  
Blogger sofia gutierrez said...

I think that so that a business is the best one, it is necessary to think in the product that is sold, they must be within reach of all, not the one of that they are always minority, it would look for youth with new knowledge to sell my product, innovation, it is necessary to be diversified to grow, and it would use publicity, the best publicity.

8:47 AM  
Blogger Rakel said...

-The business must be placed in a strategic place to have a good communication and distribution.
-You should have a planning and a control.
-To keep good relations with customers and suppliers.
-Workers must be motivated with better pays,greater participation,etc,to increase to the productivity or the yield.
-To realize a market research to obtain information about the preferences of customers and can adopt decisions.
-To promote and to make publicity of the product across differents mass media(internet,TV,radio)so that customers know it.
-To offer high quality and good prices;to get a good image.
-To emphasize and to differ our product.

Raquel Duque Hernandez

11:46 AM  
Blogger enrique Cantos said...

ideas for the computers

One idea for the computer's companies is that they put in the market new alternatives the computers how computers to measure of the client and its price corresponding
other idea be the difference that there is between portable with the computer of table. they would have to manufacture table computers more little for that they went similar to the portable

5:53 AM  
Blogger ana said...


-You must have a good organization in work.
-You must have a good relation with the costumer.
-You should offer facilities to the clients.
-You should to offer the new technology.
-You should to offer the best products.
-You must have the best price


6:47 AM  
Blogger Mario Tormo Tavira said...

"Individual-Small Groups Cinema"
Theatres and cinemas started closing some time ago because of people stop going there to see films.
Well, this is what I think, people don't go to cinema because they prefer to see movies at home, alone or with friends, instead of spending a big amount of money on a place where they can't be really relaxed.
So, let's offer them to do the same they do at home, but with the point of been on a friendly place, with more people doing the same, having any film they want and having the possibility of take any food or drink they want.

Basically, it would be like a bar, but with little rooms with big sofas and good digital screens.

¿Why should it work?
Because films would be free. Customers would only pay for drink and food. The same way you don't pay the DJ, the gogo's or the tv's showing a match or just musical videos in a bar.

4:07 AM  
Blogger Jaime Martín-Sauceda Martín said...


A lot of companies don't have ideas to increase their benefits. These are some proposals:

-You can use internet to expose your products.
-You can export your material to the foreign.
-Also, you can advertise your business on newspaper, radio or television.
-Always, you must try that profits are much greater than the losses.
-Finally, you must have interesting offerts to consumers.

4:35 AM  
Blogger Luis Ayuso Márquez said...

I think that you shuold bear in mind that nowadays it's difficult to have new ideas, because almost everything is invented. Nevertheless I've some tips on modern business:
- The advertising is very important.
- The price matters.
- Quality too.
- You have to innovate, or improve the industry.
And of course: the workers are persons.
You should have that in mind.

7:59 AM  
Blogger marisa manuel morán said...

NOwadays modern business infrastrutures are based on new technologies such as: internet, tv, radio that is to say is the advertisingson these media are so important for the different business in order to sell their products.
These new technologies provide benefits to the different companies which make use of them. Although sometimes new technologies are dangerous all depend on their use.
To sum up thanks to new technology new companies can expand their business and their power.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Antonio Manuel ÁLvarez Vázquez said...

For improve a business I think that the best idea is implant an informatic system in the company. For example, if all the products are register in a computer, the control of that products will be more easy, and the company may be make bill faster than a business without computer

12:45 PM  
Blogger Alvaro Paniagua said...

Tho develop a good busines, I thought that is need money, with this maoney you can pay goods advertisemets, you can do a web with your business, because in the internet, a very high number of persons around the world can acceded to this site, and you begin the internacional business. You can try the adsense services for advertise the web

1:01 PM  
Blogger xispita said...

María Fernández González

To develop a business, the bottom line is that advertising is clear and bright. One should keep in mind where we publish the ads ... either on paper or on the web. If they are on paper, it is important to be in a visible place, and call the attention of the potential client, and the same for the web.
The company has more potential for expansion if it is introduced on the website since we are many people looking for this method we need.

9:57 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ideas for a modern business:

-- You you must offer many services through Internet portals
-- You have to put initially a low price in your products to capture new customers.
-- You must invest enough money in advertising. By Internet, TV, radio,...
-- You have to give great assurance in your products.
-- You need to have polite and attentive treatment with your customers.
-- You have to create regularly new deals and promotions to continue capturing customers.

11:16 AM  
Blogger nene_ska said...

José Antonio Expósito Pérez

I think that the management of a company is very dificult because requires much sacrifice.

The best important is to have some qualified workers and responsible. Also, to attract buying our products we will be able to put our enterprise in a magazine o to publish an announcement on the radio.

11:50 AM  
Blogger javilop said...

We have to think a little. What do we do more? Watch television. If we try to sell a product quickly, the best way is to make simple announcements, nearby to the viewer.
Not to say repeatedly
the names, the characteristics...Other idea is to contract famous people, that have a good moment in their lives. It will make raise the success

2:31 PM  
Blogger antonio leo fajardo said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3:09 AM  
Blogger Cristina Gonzalez said...

For have a profitable success in a business is necesary have goods and innovate ideas.
The workers must be confortable woorking so we must give them an incentive.
we need products with quality but at a price adsequible.
I think that we need promocionate the products by radio, TV, newspaper because the people needs to know our business for have succes.

For know what people are looking to buy so we need to do analysis of the market and know the preferences of costumers.

I think that if we have all this things our business have succes.

4:52 AM  
Blogger David said...

My ideas for improving and optimizing a company are:

- Be happy to workers.
- Launching the company to the stock market.
- Promoting social relations between workers.
- Innovation.
- Improve the product.
- Maintain the current company.
- Provide training courses free of charge.
- Provide day care services for children of employees.

10:36 AM  
Blogger Belen Carbajo Garcia said...

Ideas on modern business infrastructure
If your business is a factory, first of all you should have some usual suppliers because having only one you depend on it. In my opinion one important aspect to have a good business infrastructure is a good technologic support to make the products, because you will have an increase of productivity and a big increase of quality, and also you will hire fewer employees, all that things involves a saving of costs. Also a good idea is to have a specialized personal that have a formation about the products that they are going to sell. Of course it’s necessary a good advertising and an appealing website where people can buy your products and obtain all information that they need.

Belén Carbajo García

1:16 PM  
Blogger Alejandro Curado said...

good ideas and innovative thinking!

10:42 AM  
Blogger Javier Hurtado said...

I'd create a new technological net which I think will improve business.
This new net would offer to the custommer a digital demo of what could it buy by Internet. For example, if you want to buy a t-shirt, you only have to surf on the web and buy a little machine which creates for you that t-shirt in a digital format.
I know that is a very science-fiction idea but I think if we could achieve this, world business will grow up so fast!

5:22 AM  
Blogger Javier Hurtado said...

Last post was written by Javier Hurtado.

5:22 AM  
Blogger Serapio said...

I believe that to manage an optimal business, first, it necessary to know how to handle the situation. Another important aspect is the supplies, if your good beams supplies in products, you will have more clients.
At the time of making returns not put many disadvantages. This way never it will have problems with the clients.
Also the good marketing is important, if you announce in good places you can have more clients

9:17 AM  
Blogger Elisabet said...

In this blog I say you same ideas to develop an optimal bussiness:

1.- If in your bussine you have to be in contact with customers, I think is very important to be very friendly and nice.
2.- You always heve to be ready to change some of your plans if some customer ask you.
3.- You have to work with a trained team in which you can trust.
4.- You have to be enough holidays to rest and repair forces.
5.- But the best idea to develop an optimal bussiness is that you love you work and you go happy to your bussiness office.

I think that this five ideas are very importan in any work.

3:27 AM  
Blogger Chelo Galán Benítez said...

I want to give some basic ideas that I think are very interesting and important.

First of all, if in your job you are in contact with many people, you must be polite and correct.

It's also important to be entrepreneur and a open mind person. This will facilitate a lot of aspects in your job.

If your field is finance, you must be careful with money, because a slight difference in price can being terrible.

And the most important thing, I believe that you have feel good in your job, in this way all things will be okay.

9:52 AM  
Blogger AnDrEs said...

First of all, I think that the business must be linked to technology.
For example, in jobs as sweepers, workers of the contruction etc...the technology should be created for help them, in theirs hard jobs.
I think that a men with 60 years cant work like somebody who is in a office.
In conclusion, a good business in the future should based to employed´s happiness, and the technology is a good tool for get it.

11:44 AM  
Blogger Alejandra Ortiz said...

My ideas on Modern Bussines:

- advertising media
- good relationship workers-boss
- premises comfortable and attractive for employees
- good image to customers
- no excessive working hours
- crèches for the children of the employees

8:29 AM  
Blogger Paloma Ayuso said...

the companies, to be healthy and to be sucessful and to have the purpose for which it was created, you need four things or ideas and an appropriate balance between them to support business operations.the four things are :
Every business requires some capital to work, the quantity depends on the spin, size and scope thereof, and covers concepts related to investment in equipment or machinery,promotion, or working capital, among other .
2.Technical knowledge.
If you are a locksmith, you should know to open a sheet. If you're a sailor, You better know how to distinguish between a rudder and an anchor. Although the four, this is usually the stronger side.
3.Knowledge management.
In a business, it must have at least some notions of government, otherwise, in a split second to lose control of what is happening on a daily.
4.Marketing system.
No matter how much capital you have, how expert is, or how many graduate and masters have our senior management personnel, whether customers struggling to find and / or buy our products or services, or worse, do not know that we exist, the failure is almost certain. In general terms this covers not only the sale, the promotion and delivery to our customers to let them know what we do, and perform efficiently in a timely manner with such offers, it is of vital importance.

6:18 AM  

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